The Psychology of the Universe
What is this about?
The Psychology of the Universe is a study of The Universe and it's Psychological affect on Human beings. It uses the age-old method of Astrology, from the view- points of Science, Psychology, and Religion.
- The purpose of this website is to promote The Book of the same title, and to give the reader the ability to download the necessary technical information to achieve Quadrant Counting. The APP calculates the predominant quadrant emphasis, and the interpretation is described on the BLOG, and in the text of
- The Psychology of the Universe.
Is your Background important?
It does not matter what is your religion, your belief system, or your stance on science, this study will help you understand yourself and gain a greater awareness of the Universe we live in.
- The purpose of the book is to help individuals understand themselves, then to go on and find a God of their own understanding.
How to apply?
The book The Psychology of the Universe, and our BLOG explain the four personality types condensed from traditional astrology. The BLOG, Book and the APP give you the explanation of how to get your numbers, interpret them, and show how you personally fit in your search for individual identity.
- Find your numbers not only as numerical values, but also with the visuals of PIE charts, percents, and color- coded personality emphasis. You will see immediately your disposition from the point of view of the HSCT perspectives being the House, Sign, Cyclic and Total perspectives. See the free starter samples of HSCT perspectives and an explanation of your dominant personality types in the BLOG. Now your data is fully calculatable without knowledge of math.
Self-help through Astrology?
Although you don't need to calculate your chart or do the Quadrant Counts to enjoy and gain knowledge from the text, the individual insight and education you will experience is well worth the effort. My contribution "Quadrant Counting", is a new way to envision yourself that makes total sense to you when you read it. You will grasp and comprehend the parts of you that were missing. It will narrate your strong areas and recount where you are lacking vision and need perseverance. This intuition is provided in the text The Psychology of the Universe.
- Once you have entered the values of the planets into the APP, you will gain immediate access --to the charts, tables, & spreadsheets. These will make visible your "HouSeCount" or HSCT perspectives as areas of your life. These being the EGO, the TRUE SELF, the ACCOMODATING EVOLVING SELF, and your FINAL EVALUATION or CONSENSUS ABILITY. Each perspective is given numerical descriptors in each of the four Personality Types and tells you the basic type of person you are in each area.
What is Cyclic Astrology?
Cyclic Astrology is the Scientific discovery of a new way to interpret the heavens. It is built on the study of Astrologer Dane Rudyar's The Lunation Cycle, (available on Amazon), and is outlined in my book The Psychology of the Universe. You may have already asked yourselves what is the purpose of Quadrant Counting? What does it tell us? And what is this concept Cyclic Astrology? At a root level, Cyclic Astrology came from the magnification and expansion of traditional astrological aspects, into a more cohesive and universal picture. It is roughly described by the CYCLIC Perspective. In essence, it educates us how we can transform our lives, by understanding and building our personal character.
- Cyclic Astrology guides us by the elucidation of how we transition and experience metamorphosis. It aids us to visualize how we heighten and become beings greater than ourselves. It is a kind of moving picture (although stationary the moment of birth) that reveals how we recover from and adapt to change. It shows how we can adjust our overall outlook of ourselves and provides us technique for our own evolutionary development. Further accounting is contained in our BLOG and is expounded on in The Psychology of the Universe text.