Traditional Astrology
Your Birth Chart
Find out here how to collect your data and learn and understand the highs and lows of your personality. Do your chart effortlessly by clicking the chart above. Or copy this link:horoscopes.astro-seek.comYou will soon finish the whole process with minimal effort.
- Natal Birth Chart
- Sun Moon Ascendent
- The Planets and other markers
Tiered Aspects of the Planets
Astro-seek is great for calculating various kinds of Astrological data- like charts, transits, midpoints, aspects, and much more. The Chart calculations are automated on the Astro seek website.
- Tailored to your personal needs
- No math required
- Integration with Cyclic Astrology
Enter your signs degrees and minutes
In the Quadrant Counter APP or Excel Template ----Open the APP or download the template, your choice. That is where you enter the sign, degrees and minutes of your planets. In the App click the planet name & enter the data. The APP will calculate and automatically discover your numbers. Then take a look! -- print your data and visualize easy to read tables & pie charts. It is that easy.
- Custom personal design
- Professional calculation
- Ongoing updates
Results of the APP
It all starts with 16 simple numbers and the book gives you a clear picture of the Four Personality Types, and your emphasis in each. Just plug your chart info into the APP.
- The Four Personality Types
- The 12 categories
- The Four perspectives
Click Icon to Open the POTU App
Purchase the book on Amazon and Find:
THE DATA & INTERPRETATION OF QUADRANT COUNTING.Once you have entered the values of the planets you are ready to look at the data---the charts, tables & the quadrant counting spreadsheets. These will show you in easy to see PIE charts your emphasis in each perspective (the House, Sign, Cycle, and Total). The quick view of PIE charts are also color coded with percentages and numerical values. Once you get these charts it is time to pick up a copy of The Psychology of the Universe text and interpret these numbers. Start your inquiry with info on the Blog. You will learn how each of the Sign, House, Cycle, and Total perspectives have special significance.Sample Interpretation:On this page are examples of data to be interpreted: for example the person in the table above has his (House Perspective) his ego influenced by personality types 1 & 2. And his life energy (Sign Perspective) is mostly influenced by personality types 2 & 4. And his tolerance for Change the (Cycle Perspective) is level but under performing in personality type 1. But when it is all said and done in the (Total Perspective) the individual is well balanced. But still has a deficit in personality type 1. Read the personality types in the Blog for interpretation.
- Interpretation Info is available in the TEXT and is previewed on the BLOG
- All APPS and Links are FREE!
- The TEXT is for pre-sale on Amazon for $4.99